Saturday, September 8, 2012

Wait, Niagara Falls is in Canada or the US??

Welcome to Niagara Falls! Its time, once again, for everybody to check out where i was lucky enough to get a chance to eat on this epic adventure of mine, haha. Now i had no idea whatsoever where Niagara Falls was to begin with. Im just saying that to be honest right from the start. I was surprised to hear that it was on the border of New York and Canada, and i was thrilled after visiting it because it was a lot of fun! What i found extremely funny was that as soon as we started walking across the bridge (located in the top photo) my phone started getting lots of messages from my AT&T provider, saying that i was in danger of getting international charges. Thinking quickly i went back to the United States side and phoned the company and explained the situation, and everything was just fine.
  One thing that was amazing to do at the Falls was the Maid of the Mist tour (about a fictional Native American princess who never existed but oh well)  Those are people on the boat we were on in the left side picture, and the views we saw....spectacular! The boat made its way upriver toward where the falls where and as we made our way upstream we saw so many great parts of each waterfall. Oh and we got soaked, thats why you see so many blue ponchos. Cool thing was we got them for free, and mine is still hanging in my closet as im typing this. One of the better things about this boat tour was that there was one guy who just didnt want to wear his poncho. I dont know why, maybe he just wanted to experience the mist coming from the water as it fell into the river, but at the end of the trip it looked like he might as well have swam up the river. Seriously, he was soaking wet haha.
    Anyways, Niagara Falls was a cool town to explore as well, including the many casinos that were lined up and down the streets just across the way from where the park was. Inside one of the casinos we went in to i found this dish pictured to the right. It is stuffed bell peppers with amazing french fries on the side. Not too fancy, yet just fancy enough for your average traveller. This was an awesome meal! The sauce you see was a rich yet just right red sauce with what appeared to be chopped up basil on top. Inside underneath the sauce was ground up beef seasoned to perfection. What was even better about this was it was buffet style, so whatever you got to eat they kept bringing it out to you until you were done and completely full!

This was one great meal. The meat and sauce were just delicious, and i fully enjoyed the atmosphere too. We had the hustle and bustle of the casino and the city streets but we also had the tranquil peaceful area of just watching the falls. If you ever get a chance to see Niagara Falls, please do! Just remember to bring your passport! The best views of the falls are on the Canadian side, where you can see the U shaped falls around you.
  As for the food, simply fantastic. Check this place out, and see if you can get a all you can eat meal too. Until next time, thanks for reading!

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