Friday, August 31, 2012

San Antonio, I love you

    Welcome to San Antonio! This southern Texas city is just a couple of hours away from the Mexico border, and naturally has some of the greatest Mexican food I have ever had in the United States. This city was just awesome to explore too! A lot bigger of a city than what i thought, it wasn't long before we found ourselves lost (something that came almost naturally to us with every new city explored on the trip) however with the help of some friendly people we ended up right at the Riverwalk. San Antonio has a lot more to it than first meets the eye, and I soon realized after we left town to head north and into Arkansas how much i missed it. 
    The city's downtown area is also where the River Walk is. This hidden lower level plateau of shops and restaurants was thriving with people and places to see. Even on a warm day such as the one we had the water and shade from the trees and buildings made it seem rather pleasant and cool. The sights were amazing too! As you walked along the water you had dozens of shops to look at, catwalks and staircases to climb and to cross the river, and lots of plaza areas to eat delicious food. I hurt my neck from trying to look at so many different things at the same time, it was one of those moments where you wish you had three extra pair of eyes on your head. The air was filled with smells of delicious food and the sounds of music and laughter. All of this made you feel right at home too!

     The Alamo itself was very interesting to see. I have always been a fan of it, and seeing the real thing was such a treat. It is a lot smaller than you might think, seeing as how only a couple of buildings still stand out of the entire fort. The plaza where tourists like myself walk around was actually part of the Alamo itself. However over the years it was built over by the expanding downtown area and is now a bustling part of city and full of shops and museums to see.
     As we continued on our adventure we realized it was near dinner time, thus we were ready to eat!  In enters our delicious food that you see pictured below. What you see in the bottom picture are steak fajitas with grilled onions and other vegetables, along with DELICIOUS refried beans and rice. On the side you see a healthy portion of sour cream, guacamole, and salsa. Add in a hearty portion of chips and a lime green margarita and what you get one was epic meal! (sometimes at night i still dream of

eating it)
   This was a restaurant that we picked at random walking alongside the River Walk. There were dozens of restaurants that smelled and looked delicious themselves so if you ever go you'll never be at a loss of where to eat. This is why San Antonio is a must see for places to eat and explore! The fajitas themselves were just cooked to perfection, plenty of spices and flavors to stand out on their own. The rice was tasty and the beans were perhaps the best beans I have tasted, no joke. They had a lot of flavor as well and was really just a nice highlight. San Antonio was a great place to see on our trip. I had no idea what to expect but man was i pleasantly surprised. I loved this city and the people, and of course the food! Thanks for reading, till next time!

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